Primary Leadership

桃子直播 believes that every student can be a leader in their chosen field, and be a person of influence in their generation. Leadership skills integration is part of student life at 桃子直播 and starts as young as Prep, where students help our preschoolers on their Orientation Day, through to Year 6, where our Primary Captains represent the College. 

Prep leader
Prep students support and guide Pre Prep children as they transition to school

Primary Leadership Program

In Year 6 - the last year of Primary School - all our students are given the opportunity to become school leaders. Students are taught basic leadership principles such as initiating, encouraging and organising. All students who pass the leadership program are awarded badges, which are pinned to their school uniforms.

Our Leadership Program is founded on the principle that true leaders are servants. Each Year 6 student serves their College community in a variety of ways including our Peacekeeper program. The program provides an opportunity for student leaders to assist the duty teachers in organising games and activities for the lower primary children. This enables the students to develop lifelong skills such as patience, problem solving and conflict resolution. Students are also required to submit an assignment each semester detailing their works of service as well as reflecting on their own leadership journey.


Each year, the Primary School elects a boy and a girl School Captain, two Leadership Captains, two Executive Captains, House Captains for our four sporting houses and Cultural Captains in disciplines such as Dance, Music, Chess and Cheer.

The School Captains represent the school at formal occasions and speak at important events throughout the year. House Captains lead their teams at carnivals such as swimming and athletics, encouraging maximum participation and leading by example. They also provide leadership during other house competitions throughout the year as well as at organised events.