Anzac Commemorations 2021

Reedy Creek

Our College held Anzac Services at every campus on Friday, 23 April, to honour the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom and peace. The solemn commemorations paid tribute to those brave individuals who exemplified the Anzac values of courage, self-sacrifice, perseverance, and mateship. These important services encouraged every member of our community to remember the legacy we have received, and to dedicate ourselves to continue outworking these values in the pursuit of justice, freedom and peace, guided by God鈥檚 wisdom and strength. 

Anzac Service 2021

Retired Army Serviceman, Mr Sam Johnson, was the guest speaker at our Reedy Creek service, having spent 14 years in the Australian Army, carrying out active service in East Timor as well as two tours of Afghanistan and receiving the Meritorious Unit Citation. Middle School Chapel Captain, Erin Dallinger opened in prayer, followed by Mrs Harm reading from John 15:12-17. College Chapel Captains, Joseph Marescia and Sebastian Field recited the Call to Commemoration, followed by messages of remembrance from Emma Straton and College Captain, Isaac Gallagher. Principal Russell Meyers read the Honour Roll, before the wreath-laying procession. College Captain, Ailsa Hartley, asked the community to remove their hats as she read The Ode to the Fallen before the Last Post was played and a minute's silence was taken. 桃子直播 choralists sang both country's National Anthems and Mr Meyers concluded the service in prayer.

Noah's Ark students also spent time learning about the significance of Anzac Day, and what it means for us as Australians today. Their focus was on the bravery and mateship of the soldiers and helping the children understand that while it is not a good thing to be at war, the ANZACs fought to keep our country safe. Across each of the Early Learning classrooms, the children enjoyed looking at different war artefacts and tried to imagine what life was like for the soldiers.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."